A couple of years ago, I came across a tea store in
I’m a complete fan of the tea at Whittard. They have a range of black teas, white teas, green teas, and even Ayurvedic teas! You can purchase teas in bags or leaves - whatever you like. Also, they have a great selection of tea accessories (cups, saucers, etc.) – at an affordable price. Plus they have samples around the store, so you can sip tea while you shop.
There’s one tea I’ve completely fallen in love with at Whittard: Detox. I know it sounds like medicine, but it actually resembles the taste of somph (a fennel mixture given at the end of Indian meals). Both have the same purpose – to aide in digestion, but they also leave your mouth feeling minty fresh. Almost like you just brushed your teeth. This is the feeling I get from Detox.
Detox has aniseed, fennel and liquorice flavors and I would recommend drinking it 1 to 1 ½ hours after a heavy meal. Brew your tea bag (or leaves) for about 3 minutes. Set the tea bag (leaves) aside and drink the tea. If you’d like another cup, you can reuse your tea bag (leaves) two more times. I’ve done this. But the flavor disappears after the 3rd use.
Whittard has other teas as well. In case you can’t go to